Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Calvin and Hobbes in my personal opinion is absolutely one of the greatest comics of all time. I never read many books as a kid because I found them boring, but I loved comics. My favorites were Garfield and of course Calvin and Hobbes. I would read books after books of those two sometimes more than once. Calvin and Hobbes is one of favorites because the characters and situations are not only charming and most often times absolutely hilarious but they're also incredibly relatable especially for kids. It dives into the world of imagination through the eyes of a young boy and his stuffed animal. The adventures this kid had were amazing and inspiring, what he lacked in brains or social skills he made up for in creativity which was, I'm sad to say, very relatable in my case. The obvious positives about Calvin and Hobbes is that it is funny for practically any age. the jokes and adventures stand the test of time and to this day are a strong reminder of what it was like to be a kid, to have the whole world to explore. However, the comic also had its deep moments often depicting very real and often very emotional situations seen through the eyes of a young boy. Calvin often acts tough and out of line and a lot of his adventures are extreme and exciting so at times you can forget he is just a kid, but there are moments where he even cries or goes to his mother and we are reminded that yes he is still a kid and he deals with tragedy like a kid. The range that this comic had was endless, showing perspectives from different characters and seeing the world through different eyes. Thats what is so great about comic books, Its one thing to describe something someone is imagining but to put that vision down on paper is another thing entirely. We get to dive into impossible worlds and even as adults when we can read these comics we feel something even after all these years our imaginations take over and we go back to the world we knew before growing up. That is why Calvin and Hobbes and comics in general will stand the test of time itself.

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