Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Stuck Rubber Baby deals with both racism and homosexuality. Although it was published in the mid 90's subjects such as homosexuality were still not entirely accepted. Even today certain books are being banned because they discuss homosexual issues. So to see a graphic novel tackle this is a powerful thing and I applaud Cruse for giving it to us. However, being an artist I feel as though I have to talk about the art used for the book...It wasn't very good or at least in my personal opinion, pleasing to look at. The characters were poorly drawn with proportions and faces that looked warped as well as and overuse of dots to show shading. The women characters and men characters seemed to blend together to the point where everyone just looks like men in drag. I know to most people it is the story that is important but when you are reading a graphic novel the pictures are just as important and if your readers feel as though the art is disturbing they are less likely to keep reading regardless of how good the story may be.

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